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Data Security & GDPR
At Pitch Patterns, your privacy is our top priority. We are committed to ensuring that your data is handled with the utmost care and in full compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Here’s how we adhere to GDPR standards and protect your privacy:
1. No Personal Data Processing for Identification
Our approach to data handling is designed to safeguard your privacy. We distinguish between your customer data, and B2B partner data:

Consumer and Customer Data: We do not process personal data to identify individual consumers or customers.
  • This means that: Data Anonymization: We employ robust anonymization techniques to ensure that any consumer or customer data we process cannot be used to identify them.
  • Aggregated Data Use: We analyze and utilize consumer and customer data in aggregate form only.
    2. B2B Partner Data Processing with Consent
    For our business-to-business (B2B) partners, agents, and other collaborators, we handle data differently:
    • Consent-Based Processing: We have a comprehensive system in place to obtain and manage consent from your employees before processing their data.
    • Data Transparency: Our partners are fully informed about what data is being processed, how it is used, and for what purposes.
    3. Transparency and Control
    We believe in being transparent about how your data is used. You have complete control over your data, and we provide you with:
    • Clear Information: detailed information on how data is processed.
    • Data Access: The ability to access, correct, or delete any data we might process for you.
      4. Data Security
      Your data's security is paramount. We implement state-of-the-art security measures to protect any data that is processed:
      • Encryption: We use advanced encryption techniques to protect your data from unauthorized access.
      • Secure Storage: All data is stored securely with restricted access, ensuring that it remains safe from breaches.
      5. Limited Data Collection
      We adhere to the principle of data minimization. We only process the data necessary to provide you with our services and never more than what is required:
      • Purpose Limitation: Data is processed only for specific, legitimate purposes and not used for any other reasons.
      • Data Retention: We retain data only as long as needed to fulfill its purpose and then securely delete it.
      6. User Rights
      As part of our GDPR compliance, we respect your rights regarding your data:
      • Right to Access: You can request information about the data we hold about you.
      • Right to Erasure: You can request that we delete any data we have that you no longer want us to keep.
      Learn More
      For more detailed information about our GDPR compliance and data protection measures, please visit our Privacy Policy or contact us.

      Thank you for trusting Pitch Patterns with your data. We are dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of privacy and security.
      Security Standards
      Pitch Patterns is proud to partner with LVRTC, a top-tier EU-regulated data center that's GDPR compliant and boasts multiple security certifications.
      A certified security management system (LVS EN ISO/IEC 27001:2013) An energy management system (LVS EN ISO 50001:2019) A quality management system (ISO 9001:2015)
      Our servers are securely housed with them, ensuring the highest standards of data protection and reliability.
      Privacy at PitchPatterns
      Your data privacy is always our first priority
      Protecting our customers’ data privacy is always a top priority for PitchPatterns. We understand the importance of safeguarding the critical business and personal information entrusted to our services.

      Ensuring Data Protection with AWS Europe
      PitchPatterns securely stores data using modern cloud storage services, specifically on Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL ("AWS Europe") servers. These servers are located in Frankfurt, Germany (EU), ensuring the highest standards of data protection and security.

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