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Sales Team Managers

Swift words,
swift sales

Forge Your Guild into Call Champions
Equip Sales Force with New Weapons. Leaderboards track actions, coaching, learning. Fuel competition, propel the individuals to victory.

Unleash your Sales Battalion's power

Battle Chest of Skills
With Pitch Patterns, thou art granted access to a myriad of advanced AI models, all united within a single, effortless-to-use platform. Each model doth mirror a specialized human skill, costly to sustain within thy own abode. From hard skills like call structure analysis and trigger keywords to soft skills such as social emotion and conversation dynamics, Pitch Patterns provideth all thou needest.

The profound analytics permit thee to pinpoint sales issues and resolve them with haste, saving thee tens of thousands on sales consultants whose labors are hard to substantiate.

Embark on a quest for Sales Mastery

Fortify your sales skills
Pitch Patterns eliminates tedious call reviews, replacing it with fun visual interface. A user interface that teaches about mastery in rapport building, objection handling, and flawless call structuring.

Time is money in sales. Stop wasting valuable hours on out dated training methods. Pitch Patterns offers a fast-track approach, allowing you to focus on impactful everyday training that delivers real results quickly. See your team's skills soar and your bottom line flourish
Higher closer rate using phrase suggested by Pitch Patterns
Agents more interested in sales profession, staying 6 months longer
More cold calls made
Found outlier calls 11 times faster than by manual review

Gain wisdom from our most frequent questions

What is Pitch Patterns?
Pitch Patterns is an AI-powered platform that maximizes performance for both human and AI agents. Defy industry standards with our groundbreaking conversation analytics. Transform your contact center into a performance powerhouse.
What is our story?
The Pitch Patterns crest encapsulates the essence of our AI-driven platform. At its core, we believe traditional human values are either elevated or diminished in today's world. Our passion for meaningful conversations inspired us to create a champion for both conversations and the people who engage in them. By fostering healthy competition within teams, we revive the spirit of chivalry—honoring quality, craft, and excellence in communication. Our technology isn't about medieval weaponry; it's about arming modern professionals with the tools to excel in their conversations and strengthen their campaings and missions.
How does it work?
Pitch Patterns integrates with leading call recording platforms like VCC, Genesys, TelTel, or your AI Agent platform. Utilizing advanced AI models, it accurately transcribes and analyzes both inbound and outbound calls. Through an intuitive user interface, Pitch Patterns delivers actionable insights, patterns, and key moments, reducing manual call review time by up to 90%. The platform seamlessly captures data to drive performance improvement through leaderboards, bonus systems, and targeted coaching tools.
How is Pitch Patterns different than
Unlike Gong's focus on revenue intelligence, we deliver the world's most advanced conversation analytics to activate team performance. We're the Mixpanel for call conversations, providing enterprise-grade insights to drive tangible results for medium and large, established call centers. By seamlessly integrating with AI agent platforms, we help AI-centric call centers build high-quality call pipelines from scratch. We ensure unparalleled quality control in the age of automation.
How is Pitch Patterns different than
While Supernormal caters to note-taking needs for small teams and individuals, we specialize in empowering established call center teams with rigid structures and goals. Our AI Agent platform integrations enable even small companies to build their first call centers and rapidly scale their ability to deliver exceptional customer experiences. By focusing on high-quality conversations not note taking, we help businesses boost brand reputation and drive sales.
What problems does Pitch Patterns solve?
Sales managers primarily influence two key aspects of sales calls: conversation design (scrpts, objection handings) and agent skills (soft skills, rapport). We've focused on developing a visual representation of conversations to quickly identify issues with script, structure, or soft skills to save time for managers.

Pitch Patterns platform is designed to foster self-learning and engagement. Agents can independently deepen their knowledge, saving managers time. Additionally, leaderboards add a competitive element to the process. Unlike platforms that overpromise and underdeliver, we focus on practical solutions. The key to sales success lies in consistent practice and learning from each call.
How can I get ROI as soon as possible for my Sales?
While quickly boosting sales through positivity projection, high energy, and active listening is tempting, this approach often leads to burnout and requires extensive training. Pitch Patterns offers a data-driven alternative to traditional sales training. By breaking down calls into phases and analyzing keywords, we pinpoint areas for improvement in objection handling and agent skills. This empowers managers to make data-informed decisions that boost ROI. While technology provides valuable insights, human expertise remains essential for driving sales success.
Why Pitch Patterns will never be real-time assisted platform?
We focus on agent development, not micromanagement of real-time conversation. While some call center tools like and Cogito emphasize real-time assistance, we believe it can be counterproductive. Our research suggests agents using such tools become distracted, hindering their ability to develop indepdent skills.
Think of it this way: Tesla focuses on true self-driving cars, not constantly bombarding the driver with instructions how to better drive a car. Similarly, Pitch Patterns aims for full AI agent automation, not simply supplementing human agents with endless prompts.
The human brain thrives on learning and autonomy. Post-call analysis empowers agents to reflect on their performance and develop their skills effectively. This empowers human agents and is a much more humane way to deliver improved performance.
What kind of company makes a good customer for Pitch Patterns?
Growing call centers with 10 or more agents, handling inbound or outbound sales and support via phone or IVR. Ideal for teams with a dedicated manager or quality control specialist.
What kind of company is too early for Pitch Patterns system?
Small (2-10 people) teams that love technology but are still figuring out the basics. These companies are currently establishing foundational processes, including script development and quality control systems without automation. As their operations solidify, Pitch Patterns becomes the ideal tool to quantify the base process.

Activate Your Sales Team

Achieve growth regardless of your team size. Select the plan that suits your current needs and expand your capabilities when the time is right.
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